
At the library

I love going to library time with Lucy's class. I love getting to know the kids in her class, I love reading to them, I love making them laugh with silly voices, I love checking in their books, and I love the extra grin and hug Miss Lucy gives me when she sees me there. 

I love teaching the kids how to look up books they are interested in on the computer, and seeing their eyes get big when they find out there are twenty books about Transformers in the library. I love it when they start to understand how to find a book by author, or how to look in a certain section for books on animals.

But mostly, I love seeing how comfortable Miss Lu is when she's busily reading a book. At the beginning of the year, she was sounding out little BOB book readers. And now she's checking out chapter books (usually something in the rainbow fairy series), finding a spot, and diving in.


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