We weren't around last year when Mr. Nick turned 30, which was a pretty big deal as far as birthdays go, and it was a shame not to celebrate it properly. So we decided to make up for it this year with a big barbeque party to celebrate number 31. The way I see it, he's firmly entrenched in his thirties now—there's no going back ...
Our friends Katharine and Ben came and brought their camera—I love the shots that Katharine took (except she's not in them!). Thank you Katharine!
Mr. Nick, grillmaster (the grill was his birthday present)
Our semi-American Gothic
Some serious grilling went on

The kids' "table"
It's actually rare to see so many of them sitting down at once; they mostly ran, non-stop, up and down the stairs and pathways in the backyard, for the entire party
We affectionately dubbed this one the "Napoleon Dynamite" cake
The chocolate almond cake (recipe from the Cake Doctor) was a big hit
Lucy supervised the main event
He earned her approval